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When is the Best Time to Schedule an AC Installation?

If you know that time is ticking on your current air conditioner’s lifespan, now is a great time to go ahead and invest in a new unit – or at least make plans to. As temperatures increase, we will get more and more calls for air conditioning repairs and replacements as older units break down and need to be upgraded.

Taking care of your replacement now can mean that you don’t face an emergency replacement situation later on. Just give our team a call to schedule your assessment for AC installation in Melbourne, FL. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about some of the reasons that now is the best time to schedule an AC replacement.

Stay Ahead of the Rush for Service

When temperatures are milder, your air conditioner doesn’t have to work as hard to cool your home. As we near the end of spring, temperatures are heating up, and your air conditioner is beginning to work harder to produce cool air. As it works harder, problems can become more obvious. 

This leads to an uptick in calls as air conditioner problems become more obvious for all homeowners across the board. Plus, units breaking down is more of an emergency since a lack of cool air can be a health and safety issue. When you go ahead and take care of an impending AC replacement now, you get ahead of the rush that we experience as summer heats up.

There will be more demand for air conditioning upgrades as well as repairs, meaning that you may have to wait longer for parts or an upgraded unit to arrive. After all, summer demand isn’t just an issue that impacts our community. All across the nation, there will be an uptick in calls for AC service during the summertime.

Make an Upgrade Decision on Your Terms

Plus, acting now allows you to make an upgrade on your terms. When you are left investing in a new air conditioner because of a breakdown, you feel the pressure to make a quick decision and it may not be the best long-term solution for your home and family.

By considering an AC replacement now, you have more options to choose from and have the freedom to plan ahead instead of reacting to a system breakdown that leaves you without cooling. This can also mean that you schedule the installation appointment on your terms instead of fitting it in wherever you can just to get it done.

Energy Better Overall Comfort and Efficiency

If you’re on the fence about whether or not you need to upgrade your current air conditioner, we get it. It’s a major investment to make and you want to put a lot of thought into it. However, a new air conditioner offers so many worthwhile benefits. You have the peace of mind that your unit has a long lifespan ahead of it and you won’t have to worry about repairs.

Making families happy on the Space Coast since 1975. Schedule an appointment with Complete Air & Heat, Inc. for a new AC installation.

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