When is the best time to get an air conditioner inspected or maintained? That’s a good question that’s not simple to answer.
While we might tell many homeowners they should get air conditioning maintenance in the spring, we might not tell them why it’s important or when in the spring the best time might be. After all, spring lasts for a while, and in our area, we tend to use our air conditioners more than most.
If you’re looking to stave off air conditioning repair in Palm Bay, FL as much as possible, then you’re going to want to schedule a maintenance appointment. Let this blog post be your guide in determining when and how to set up an appointment like this. Just remember this service can provide a wide variety of benefits to enjoy while also reducing the number of repairs your system will need overall.
When Is the Best Time for Maintenance?
When warm temperatures exist almost year-round like they do in our area, you need a better response than just hearing us tell you to schedule maintenance in spring.
A better answer to that question would be to schedule maintenance at the point where you don’t necessarily need to use your air conditioner. If the temperature is lower than 75°F, that’s usually the perfect time to have your AC system inspected. If a technician locates a problem with the system, you’ve got the time to have it repaired before you really need to use your AC. So basically, get your AC inspected soon!
Shoulder Season
What is the shoulder season? It’s an HVAC contractor term for the fall and spring. It’s important to get maintenance during the shoulder season because well-trained technicians are easily more available and they’re not constantly repairing heaters or air conditioners when temperatures are mild.
What If I Missed Springtime Maintenance?
We get it, not everyone is available to have their air conditioner maintained during the spring—and that’s okay! The truth of the matter is, having maintenance performed on your air conditioner during the summer, fall, or even winter is still better than neglecting maintenance overall.
When we say this service is vital, we’re not kidding! While springtime might be the easiest season for maintenance to be performed, it’s not the only time that it’s possible. Maintenance can keep repair and replacement at bay which means it’s necessary if you want the most out of your system.
Be Prepared
Nothing feels worse than having an unexpected repair need come up during the midst of a scorching summer. When this happens, the only choice is to call a professional HVAC technician and to wait until the problem is solved.
However, with early springtime maintenance, you can kiss this uncomfortable dilemma goodbye. When a technician performs maintenance on your air conditioner, they’re also going to give you a heads up whether or not you’ve got a repair need that should be addressed. So, long story short, you’ll always be prepared!
If you’re ready to schedule maintenance this year, give Complete Air & Heat, Inc. a call. We’ve been making families happy on the Space Coast since 1975!