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Can an AC Live Forever? Our Replacement Guide


When homeowners think of their air conditioners, they like to believe they’ll last as long as they need them to. With enough targeted repairs, maintenance, and part replacements, it should be able to last forever, right? Well, not exactly.

First of all, air conditioners are only built to last between 10 to 15 years. While they might last longer, that’s not always a good thing. Efficiency levels decrease regardless of the condition your system is in. They tend to react to wear and tear by consuming more electricity, providing less cooling power, and overall just doing a poor job. There’s nothing our air conditioning services in Palm Bay, FL can do to fix that.

Except for air conditioning replacement services! If your AC is reaching old age and is becoming a burden on you and your family, our replacement services can give you a brand-new solution to your comfort needs. Keep reading as we discuss just what this service entails.

Repair or Replace

When deciding whether to repair or replace your air conditioner, there are some serious factors to reconsider. Once you come to terms with the fact that your air conditioner won’t last forever, the decision becomes quite simple when you’ve got the facts on your side. So, take it from your local team of professionals as to when your AC needs to be replaced.

How Old Is the AC?

This is a fairly straightforward question to ask, but it’s one of the most important to consider when you’re deciding whether to replace or repair your air conditioner. AC systems only last up to 15 years in the best of cases. Beyond that, energy efficiency and efficacy will dramatically drop off in levels that you’ll start to notice. Even if your AC hasn’t gotten to that point yet, it might be a good idea to get a head start on discussing your AC replacement options.

How Well Does It Work?

The effectiveness of your air conditioner is of prime concern. If it can’t cool your home easily and completely, then there might be a good reason to have it replaced. Repair costs are only going to get more expensive, and they’ll need to be done more frequently as time goes on, so purchasing an effective replacement system that can perform adequately could be a great long-term solution.

How Much Money Does It Cost?

Air conditioners that are aging simply cost more to operate than younger ones. This isn’t so much a recommendation as it is a pure fact of life. Repairs get more frequent the older a system is, and those repairs get more expensive. A good rule of thumb we use in the industry is to measure the cost of your AC repair. If the cost of AC repairs is more than half the cost of a replacement, then it’s almost always more cost-effective to go with the replacement.

Call Us Today

Air conditioning replacement services are an important service that homeowners rarely take advantage of until they have to. Remember to keep an open mind and work with a team that wants the best for you.

Contact Complete Air & Heat, Inc. Making families happy on the Space Coast since 1975.

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