Whether or not you’re positive that you’re dealing with a refrigerant leak, you should always be wary that this could be the root of the problem. If you’re then starting to wonder what these problems could be, then we’d politely like to ask you to keep reading as we’ll get into greater detail below.
Problems occurring in an air conditioning unit can be all over the place, and unless you’re a professional HVAC technician, it can be nearly impossible for a homeowner to tell what the root cause of the issue is. However, giving you some detailed information about causes for problems like a refrigerant leak could help you determine that this isn’t something you should ignore. In fact, if anything below seems remotely familiar, then you should call our team to repair your air conditioning in Rockledge, FL.
The Effects of Refrigerant Loss
The most important thing to consider when dealing with a problem like refrigerant leaking from your system is being able to notice it. By understanding what refrigerant loss causes, you’ll be able to notice if your system is suffering from such a problem, and we can be called sooner to mitigate any expensive repairs that might develop as a result.
Poor Cooling Power
Refrigerant is integral to the cooling process, and an air conditioner that doesn’t have access to the resources it requires is going to struggle quite a bit. If your air conditioner can’t quite put out the necessary cooling power required for your home’s temperature control system, then it’s likely because it doesn’t have enough refrigerant. Don’t try and address this problem on your own: only a licensed professional can make the necessary recharge required to have your system running again.
Hissing Noise
Since refrigerant is pressurized in your cooling system as a gas, it can start leaking out of the line the same way that a different gas might. Have you ever held a balloon tightly or pursed your lips and breathed out? The hissing sound of air trying to escape through a small opening is exactly what could be taking place in your air conditioner!
The gas that’s escaping is necessary for your AC to function properly. If too much of it escapes, your AC will have trouble running effectively and it will begin stressing out certain components. Mitigate the degradation of your system by contacting a professional for repair services today.
Frozen Coils
Now this might not seem like a problem on an especially scorching day, but it can get serious when your system starts breaking down because it doesn’t have enough refrigerant to function.
When refrigerant levels are insufficient, your AC’s coil won’t absorb heat like it’s supposed to, leading to excess condensation and freezing. The frozen condensation could melt and also cause water damage, which has its own subset of problems. So if you’re noticing that your air conditioner is frozen, you could be dealing with a refrigerant leak.
Stop dealing with these types of problems and contact a professional technician to have them addressed.
Speaking of professional technicians, the team at Complete Air & Heat, Inc. is full of air conditioning specialists. Call us today! Making families happy on the Space Coast since 1975.