Is your air conditioner on the fritz? Regardless of how major or minor the problem might be that you’re experiencing, air conditioners need attention in order to stay running for a long time. When minor aches and pains develop in a system, they can compound and cause breakdowns or start racking up your energy bills if you’re not careful, so knowing when to call for repairs is essential.
Thankfully, we’re in the business of AC repair in Palm Bay, FL, and we know exactly what a problematic air conditioner looks like. From low airflow to lukewarm air coming from the vents, to even the various noises a system can make, we have a long list of issues that could be happening. The only person who matters when it comes to scheduling AC repairs is you, so keep note if any of the following problems look familiar!
Common AC Problems
Unfortunately, homeowners don’t often get to see the industry-side of air conditioning repair. We’re constantly called by homeowners who have encountered strange noises coming from their system, but they don’t contact a professional until the last minute. With this list, we’re trying to mitigate this issue by presenting you with some clear problems that we encounter all the time. Don’t let an AC on the fritz become a daily struggle: call for repairs today.
Poor Airflow
We get calls often about an air conditioner not effectively distributing that air, and it could be for a variety of reasons.
First, check your air vents to make sure they’re not obstructed by furniture, rugs, or other things that might be making it hard for the system to cool your home. If you notice that the vents are all open and clear, but you’re still not encountering the chilled air you’re paying for, then give our team a call.
Lukewarm Air
The air that gets distributed in your home should be the specific temperature that you set on your thermostat. Unless temperatures are reaching over 20 degrees higher outside than what your thermostat has been set to, there is something clearly wrong if your AC can’t handle the thermostat setting you’ve decided.
Don’t start changing your cooling habits just because your AC system can’t handle them. Lukewarm air that blows from your vents on a hot day is not something you should have to deal with. Air conditioners should be more than capable of beating the heat in our climate.
Humidity Issues
Air conditioners naturally dehumidify the space they cool. Moisture removal is a byproduct of the cooling process, and it also helps your air feel cooler. However, if your home is particularly humid even if the thermostat is reading the right temperature, then something could be wrong. Perhaps you’re in need of a humidifier that can aid your cooling system for maximum comfort.
Short Cycling
Air conditioners should complete a full cycle before shutting down or going on standby mode. If you’re noticing that your AC system is running in short, incomplete cycles, there could be a pretty serious issue affecting the system. From refrigerant leaks to incorrect sizing, you’re going to want to have it checked out as soon as possible.
Call the team at Complete Air & Heat, Inc. if you’re encountering any of these issues. We’ve been making families happy on the Space Coast since 1975!