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Signs That It’s Time to Schedule a Heater Repair Appointment

Are heater repairs in your future? If your heater has been having any problems operating, it may be time to invest in professional service before you face a total breakdown. Just give our team a call today to schedule your heating repair in Satellite Beach, FL.

You can also keep reading to learn more about the signs that indicate your heater needs professional attention. This way you know when to call us ahead of major issues that may leave lasting damage behind in the system. 

Loud Noises

When you hear loud noises coming from your heater, consider them a warning. Something is wrong, and even if you don’t know exactly what it is, the loud noises coming from your heater are an indication of the need for professional attention. 

A loud sound can happen one time and then you don’t hear it again. You should still call for service anyway. Ignoring the signs of heater problems will only allow the problems to worsen until your heater breaks down completely. It’s always better to be proactive and call for service when you first think that something is wrong.

Bad Smells

Air that is blowing out of your heater should never have any kind of odor. If you smell something bad coming from your heater, you first want to think about anything going on around your house. It’s easy for your unit to bring odors in and then blow them back out into your home. 

But if you cannot think of an explanation for a bad odor, then your heater may need professional attention. Examples of bad odors Include burning smells, a musty or damp smell, or a rotten egg smell, which can point to a gas leak if you have a gas furnace.

Unusual Operation

You can also pay attention to how your heater operates. On average, a heating cycle should last for about 10 minutes. If your heater turns on and off every couple of minutes or turns on and stays on for much longer than 10 minutes, these changes point to struggles with operation. 

Either something is triggering your heater to turn off before completing a heating cycle or the system is struggling to heat up your home to the chosen temperature. Either way, it’s worth scheduling a professional service appointment so our team can figure out what’s going on and fix it. 

These unusual heating cycles can add a lot of strain to your system and even cost more on monthly energy bills as your heater consumes more and more energy for the same operation.

Lack of Heat

While it should be obvious that a lack of heat means problems with your heater, sometimes changes can be minimal or happen very slowly. For example, if you notice that a single room in your home isn’t getting as warm as the rest of your home, the ductwork likely needs some attention. 

If your home overall doesn’t feel as warm as it usually does, your heater may be struggling with operation. You may be tempted to set your thermostat a little higher to see if that helps, but you shouldn’t have to change thermostat settings to achieve the same heating results that you’ve been enjoying.

Making families happy on the Space Coast since 1975. Schedule an appointment with Complete Air & Heat, Inc.

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