Part of being an honest HVAC contractor is telling the truth when it comes to our products—even when it might lose us sales. We’ve been hesitant to talk about the success of Reme HALO air purification technology because the science was still coming out, but the wait is finally over. An RGF Environmental Study has found that the Reme HALO air purification system inactivates SARS-CoV-2 by 99.9%. Yep, you read that right.
If your indoor air quality has been a topic of contention these past few months during this pandemic, the time has come to take some steps in the right direction. Reme HALO air purifiers are a great investment towards sanitizing the air in your home and allowing you to breathe easier and remain safe. We can all now say competently that the Reme HALO is a tested and proven solution that can help you live your life free of viruses like COVID-19.
To help homeowners get started, we’re offering $100 off a Reme HALO Air Purification system. Take advantage of this awesome deal while we work together to fight this pandemic and make our living spaces safe and secure.
Give the team at Complete Air & Heat, Inc. a call for your very own indoor air purifier today!