Complete Air & Heat, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Indoor Air Quality’

Do You Need to Schedule Duct Resealing? 

Monday, March 3rd, 2025

If you have high energy costs and poor indoor air quality, you probably need to invest in duct services. Specifically, we recommend duct sealing to help you maintain more of the heated and cooled air instead of losing it to your attic or basement.

Keep reading to learn how duct sealing can benefit your home, your family, and your HVAC system. Then give us a call to schedule service if you are seeing some of these common signs of faulty ductwork in Satellite Beach, FL. We can assess your ductwork, get it resealed and even clean it out so you have a fresh start for better indoor air quality.

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3 Benefits of Repairing Your Damaged Ductwork

Monday, December 23rd, 2024

Does it seem like your indoor air quality is worsening? Or maybe you’re getting sick more often or suffering from allergy symptoms. These are signs that your ductwork needs to be resealed so it can be completely airtight and help protect your indoor air quality.

Just give us a call if you think you need duct repair in Rockledge, FL. You can also keep reading to learn about the benefits for your home, HVAC system, and family when you invest in duct services every three to five years.

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What Happens if Your Air Purifier Stops Working?

Monday, December 9th, 2024

Air purifiers are fantastic for boosting your indoor air quality around the clock. But if you have noticed that your indoor air quality is suffering despite having a whole-house air purifier, it may be that the unit is broken or malfunctioning

Even though it could be tempting, don’t try to make any repairs on your own. Instead, give our team a call for air purifier repair in Satellite Beach, FL. We can check out your air purifier to figure out what is wrong and either fix it or replace the unit completely.

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If Your Ducts Look Like This, It’s Time to Replace Them

Monday, December 12th, 2022

Air ducts are vital components of your home HVAC system. When they fall into disrepair, it can affect everything from your home comfort, to your energy efficiency, and even your air quality. That’s why it’s important to view your HVAC as more of a system than just one big piece of machinery. Your heater is a component of that system, just like your vents, ducts, and blower fan are. The more you start to look at how this system works together, the more likely it will be that you can pinpoint problems and get them fixed accordingly.

So, today we’re going to talk about the state of your air ducts. We want to discuss what they might look like, how they might function, and how you might know if your ducts are in rough enough shape to require air duct replacement in Melbourne, FL. Then, once we’ve taken that first step, you can contact our team to get the work scheduled and a professional out to your house pronto!

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Get Rid of Stuffy Air Today!

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

If you want to stay comfortable in Melbourne, FL, one of the best things you can do is to invest in air filters. The key to remember is that the air is filled with contaminants that can make it hard for you to breathe easy, even if you maintain your HVAC properly. Air filtration isn’t an option in many areas because of just how hard it works to keep your home’s air healthy for your family.

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The Science Behind Poor Air Quality

Monday, March 7th, 2022

Invisible, odorless, and without many tangible characteristics, it’s easy to take the air we breathe for granted. Despite there being evidence for poor air quality being linked to a variety of health concerns, air quality and its implications on wellbeing are often overlooked when it comes to our homes and greater society.

While many people think about air quality in terms of outdoor pollution, it’s just as important to focus on the quality of the air inside our homes and offices. Indoor air pollution is often caused by products we use every day, like cleaning supplies, paints, air fresheners, and building materials.

Through the following, we’ll detail some common contaminants that are likely to be floating around in your space, and why it’s so important to invest in improving your air quality.

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3 Amazing Indoor Air Quality Machines We Can Provide

Monday, March 8th, 2021

Air quality should be a field that everyone’s a little more familiar with after the last year. Whether it’s viruses, bacteria, mold spores, or dust, there are things in your air that need to be removed. It doesn’t matter how frequently you vacuum or how delicately you dust, you’re never going to remove these particles from the air because they’re invisible to the naked eye and get circulated through your HVAC system.

The only proven way to remove contaminants is with one of our indoor air quality systems that specifically target these contaminants and remove them. We offer these kinds of Palm Bay HVAC installations because homeowners are constantly in need of safer, cleaner air—and we can provide that.

Keep reading to pinpoint the system that could be right for your home and the additional benefits that come with it.

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Yes, Your Air Purifier Could Need Replacement

Monday, January 25th, 2021

Do you know what we call a UV air purifier that’s at the end of its lifespan and needs replacing? A light bulb—and a burnt-out one at that.

All jokes aside, this is a serious problem for homeowners who depend on these kinds of systems. Your air purifier is important for your household’s health, and we want you to be comfortable, safe, and content. If you’ve been using an air purifier for years and you’ve started to notice it wane in efficacy, then you could have reached the system’s maximum lifespan and are dealing with the repercussions.

Air purifiers in Cocoa Beach, FL will start to show signs that they’re on the way out. We use these signs to start the conversation with homeowners about replacing the old system. Don’t worry, this is an exciting opportunity to invest in a new air purifier that will clean your air using advanced and more efficient technology!

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Invest in Our Unique Services!

Monday, November 30th, 2020

Whether you’re an aficionado of the Complete Air & Heat blog, or you’re just here for the first time, we want to extend our thanks. This is the time for giving thanks, and without the people who read this blog, there would really be no point in writing it! It makes us feel all warm and fuzzy to know you’re out there depending on our advice.

Our advice on this blog is and always will be free. Though, for the homeowners out there who take our advice but who call someone else, what happens when you need specialized service? There are a lot of HVAC contractors in our area, but we’re some of the only ones who offer special services when it comes to electrical work or air purifiers in Melbourne, FL.

So, today we’d like to highlight some of the more unique services we offer in case you’re looking for an excuse to finally switch contractors and call our team of professionals today!

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Reme HALO’s Effectiveness Against COVID-19

Monday, November 23rd, 2020
$100 Off UV Light

Part of being an honest HVAC contractor is telling the truth when it comes to our products—even when it might lose us sales. We’ve been hesitant to talk about the success of Reme HALO air purification technology because the science was still coming out, but the wait is finally over. An RGF Environmental Study has found that the Reme HALO air purification system inactivates SARS-CoV-2 by 99.9%. Yep, you read that right.

If your indoor air quality has been a topic of contention these past few months during this pandemic, the time has come to take some steps in the right direction. Reme HALO air purifiers are a great investment towards sanitizing the air in your home and allowing you to breathe easier and remain safe. We can all now say competently that the Reme HALO is a tested and proven solution that can help you live your life free of viruses like COVID-19.

To help homeowners get started, we’re offering $100 off a Reme HALO Air Purification system. Take advantage of this awesome deal while we work together to fight this pandemic and make our living spaces safe and secure.

Give the team at Complete Air & Heat, Inc. a call for your very own indoor air purifier today!

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